Tuesday, 19 March 2019

NEA part 2 - Intertextuality in the media

Image result for intertextuality in magazinesTuesday 19th March 2019
Intertextuality in the Media

In this task, I'm going to explore what intertextuality is in the media and how and why it is used in certain media products.

1. Intertextuality is used in this product because Lebron James ( a professional basketball player) is on the front cover of a fashion magazine (Vogue). The intended effect on the audience is that people of all shapes and sizes can look good in terms of fashion. This is because Lebron James compared to the female model is much taller and built up. Therefore, it shows that everyone can be involved in fashion no matter the race, gender or size of the person.

Image result for intertextuality front cover magazine
2. Intertextuality is used in this product because Cinderella (a popular princess) is on the front cover of a magazine about stars' rise to fame and how they started off. The intended effect is to show that people can still achieve even if they start at the very bottom. This is because Cinderella was a servant to her sisters, however she met a prince and became a princess. Cinderella's story of becoming rags to riches is compared to the stars in the other images and how they went from a nobody to famous.

Image result for intertextuality sport magazine

3. Intertextuality is used in this product because David Beckham (an ex professional footballer) is on the front cover of a fashion magazine. Some audiences may be against David Beckham modelling on the fashion magazine because it isn't realistic, as not everyone looks like him and has the same build as him. Therefore, it doesn't show that everyone can look good in this style. However, people may be for David Beckham modelling on this fashion magazine because it shows that no matter what profession you have, you can still be involved in fashion.

I intend to use intertextuality in my media product because I will have a footballer on my education magazine, as the footballer can teach a skill and inform the people reading how to become a footballer.

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